Saturday, June 5, 2010

Blinking lights

You may notice in the video of miniature café above, there are two blinking lights beside  the café’s name.

These blinking lights are from two LEDs. To make the blinking LEDs, I used  Integrated Circuit ( I.C.) type 555, Resistors ( R ) :220 K Ohms,22 K Ohms,68 Ohms), Capacitor ( C ) : 10 micro Farad/16 Volts) as shown by electronic diagram below.

For those who are not familiar with the electronic parts, I have included the picture of those parts. These inexpensive electronic parts are available in electronic stores. 

Use general Printed Circuit Board and soldering tin diameter : 0.8 mm ( 0.0312 “ ) to wire up those  parts.

The I.C. type 555 has 8 legs. The # 1 leg is the closest leg at the right side from dot mark printed on top of I.C. then followed consecutively by legs # 2, 3, 4 and so on counted counter clockwise.

Do not wire up the legs of I.C. directly but use a socket instead, because I.C. is very sensitive to heat. Use two  AA type ( 3 Volts) batteries to power the light.
I hope you enjoy this small instruction and found it useful for your own diorama projects.

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